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Aug 15


Can You Believe It?  Summer is Almost Over, Fall is in the Air, and hopefully some Rain in the near future.

Halloween Costumes, Hats and Decorations are arriving everyday.   We LOVE Halloween!

This promises to be the best Halloween Ever.   Christmas too, we have worked hard to make this the best

Holiday Season ever.

Aug 13



We are getting ready for Fall, one of our favorite times of the year.   We are  starting to put some of our Halloween out.  Halloween is always a big event at Susan’s Store Room.  You will not want to miss it.   We switch the inside of the store to Halloween slowly as it takes weeks.   As we put Halloween out we will put some of our very special items on our online Shop.   Be sure and check often. Our STEIFF EVENT is Saturday Oct. 17.   I will be taking pictures on our “Paper Moon”.     More information soon.