I just opened a store on EBAY. Take a look. Store name is: Susans Store Room And…………..
a Facebook Page for Susan’s Store Room. BE sure and “LIKE IT”. I just realized I had better catch up with my 13 year old Granddaughter
and get “with it”. Actually both Granddaughters.

Easter window pictures on Monday. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Everything you need to make your own personalized paper eggs. We can show you how, easy and fun.
Lots more pictures to come………………….
By popular demand, here is a close up photo of the sample eggs.

New greeting card line, 3 dimensional animal cards. GREAT!

We just received a new STEIFF order. This is a Great New limited edition bear for 2013.
Remember if you see anything you want on this blog, just give us a call 415 456 1333. Things don’t
last long so call right away.
More pictures to come.